Zoroark (Japanese: ゾロアーク Zoroark) is a Dark-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V of the Pokémon series. It evolves from Zorua starting at level 30. In the Hisui region, Zoroark has a dual-type Normal/Ghost regional form, evolving from Hisuian Zorua starting at level 30. Zoroark and Zorua were the first Generation V Pokémon to be revealed to the public on February 10, 2010, initially as silhouettes before their full reveal.
Zoroark Pokemon with a fierce expression, standing confidently amidst a detailed forest background. The image is rend...
Zoroark's backstory is rooted in its unique ability to create illusions indistinguishable from reality. This ability allows Zoroark to protect its territory and loved ones by creating convincing landscapes and disguises. In the Hisui region, Zoroark's form is believed to have been transformed by harsh conditions and reborn through spite, gaining a ghostly appearance and new abilities. The Hisuian Zoroark is driven by a deep resentment toward living beings, channeling this animosity through its powerful illusions.
In the Pokémon world, Zoroark plays a significant role as a protector and illusionist. It is known to live in tightly-knit groups, displaying extreme loyalty and protectiveness towards its kin. Zoroark's illusions are used to safeguard its young and to mislead and deter potential threats. Trainers often utilize Zoroark for its illusionary capabilities, making it a valuable companion in battles and a source of companionship for those who are lonely.
Zoroark is characterized by its bipedal, fox-like appearance with a slate gray body, crimson and black accents, and a voluminous red mane tied into a ponytail. It possesses sharp claws and a pointed snout. Its abilities include the Illusion ability, which allows it to take on the appearance of other Pokémon. Hisuian Zoroark, with its ghostly white and red appearance, has a unique spiteful illusion that can cause physical harm. Despite its aggressive nature, Hisuian Zoroark shows compassion towards those it trusts, particularly its young.