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Absol Coloring Pages


Absol (Japanese: アブソル Absol) is a Dark-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III of the Pokémon series. While it does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon, Absol can Mega Evolve into Mega Absol using the Absolite. Known for its distinctive appearance and unique abilities, Absol has garnered a reputation as a harbinger of disasters.


A striking illustration of Absol, the dark-type Pokémon, depicted with a fierce expression. The image features a clea...

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About Absol

Sub Legendary

Absol's backstory is steeped in folklore and mystery. It resides in mountainous regions far from human civilization and only descends to warn people of impending disasters. Using its horn, Absol can sense subtle changes in the environment, enabling it to predict natural calamities. Despite its intentions to help, Absol is often misunderstood and blamed for the very disasters it seeks to warn about, leading to a widespread superstition associating it with bad omens.

In the Pokémon world, Absol plays a critical role as a protector and a warning signal. Trainers and researchers are fascinated by its predictive abilities, and Absol is often found in areas where disasters have occurred or are likely to happen. Its presence in various games underscores this connection, as it appears in locations associated with significant events or disasters. This role has made Absol both a subject of fear and respect among trainers and the general population in the Pokémon universe.

Absol's characteristics and abilities are unique and noteworthy. It is a quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon with a white, feline-like body and dark blue accents. Its distinctive features include a scythe-shaped horn on the side of its head, red almond-shaped eyes, and a scythe-like tail. When Mega Evolved, Absol gains longer fur, wing-like structures, and an additional horn, enhancing its formidable appearance. Absol's abilities include sensing environmental changes, and in its Mega form, it can emit a fearsome aura that can intimidate opponents. Despite its fearsome reputation, Absol is known for its swift movements and has a lifespan of up to 100 years.